I spend this past Labor Day Weekend at the Ocean City beach with my parents and my mother in law visiting from Colombia. We had a blast, enjoyed amazing weather and I took a ton of pictures to remember the weekend. This picture is my favorite memory of the weekend. My husband, Efrain, decided to lay in the sand and Elena just laid down right next to him! It was such a simple act but so touching to see her emulate her daddy! To just see her look at him it made that moment seem like a lifetime. My mind of course immediately turned to what I would be inspired to write about this week. Watching Elena get lost in that 30 seconds of sandy bliss, I found my title, Live for Today.
Too many people (myself included) want more in their life. We get caught up the "American Way", " wanting a bigger house, a better car, more clothes, more money, our idea of a better life. But when we take the time to look at what we have today in our life, that is when we should count our blessings and know that God has given us today and we should not waste it thinking about tomorrow. Life is not about what we have, rather what we do, what we give, what we have done. I want to look back on my life and know that I made a difference in this world, whether that simply means being the best mom that I can be, the best wife that I can be or perhaps my life will touch someone else and inspire them to do the same, I want to look back and know that I lived a life that mattered!
I recently applied for a part time job at the MAC Harbor East to work in the Kids Club. I am very excited about the opportunity to work for the MAC and I look forward to being working with the infants and toddlers for a few hours a week. I attended a "Communications Seminar" yesterday evening and I wanted to share one aspect of the seminar that I thought fits perfectly with this weeks inspiration. We were asked to read an article about the new president of the IHRSA, International Health, Racquet and Sports Club Association. The article poses questions about if you can name 10 people who have won the Noble Peace Prize and then asks if you can name 3 friends who helped you through a difficult time? The moral being " The people who make a difference aren't the ones with the most credentials, the most money or the most awards- they're the ones who care."
If we focus to much on trying to impress others with money and material things, we forget how to simply impress others with our compassion and love for life. I left the seminar last night and I was so energized that I decided to run! I couldn't stop, I ran for about 50 minutes and came home to the pleasant surprise of my husband asking me to dinner. It was such a fun evening spent just talking and enjoying the moment. That is how I want to live my life. Each day is new and exciting and I don't want to miss out enjoying the now because I am worried about the future. The article from yesterday goes on to read, "It doesn't matter if you have or haven't don a great job in the past. Everything can change for the better today."
I hope that Alex is looking down and he knows that he is the reason that I am changing my outlook on life. I have not felt this humble and alive in many years. I feel so lucky to be where I am in my life. My sadness has brought me more happiness, and that is something I will forever remember as Alex's legacy in my life.
Til next time, enjoy each day,
Oh Miss Katie Corbett Ramirez,
ReplyDeleteI really love your blogs and it's very touching to see your outlook and life changes.
I pray all is well for you.
Katie Meeks