"A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us, when adversity takes the place of prosperity, when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us...still she will cling to us, and endeavor by her kind preceps and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness and cause peace to return to our hearts."
-Washington Irving
As I talk to more and more mothers about the fate of my Alex, I am always meeting such amazing and strong women that share a common bond..strength. Motherhood changes a person, for the better, and whether you have the joy of knowing your child for a lifetime, 19 years, 4 years or only in the womb, you are a stronger more courageous person for being a mom.
I have been amazed how many women have reached out to me and shared their stories of miscarriage, stillbirth or child's death with me in the hopes that I will understand the pain that I feel is not alone, I am not the first women to endure such pain and I will not be the last. Being a woman is a emotional roller coaster, one that I will gladly ride again and again.
I recently ran into a mom whom I have met through my business and she shared with me that she miscarried at 10 weeks with her second child. She now has 3 perfect, adorable boys and she said that while having another baby will never replace the despair in your heart, holding the next baby in your arms is the greatest sense of hope and strength. She also explained that she thinks we (as women) are so incredibly brave, because no matter how painful having to loss an infant feels, as a woman, you just know that you want to try again, and even though you know it will be difficult and emotional..the joy of motherhood is worth it!
I also have been amazed by the strength of many women I know that have dealt with a difficult diagnosis for their child. A friend from high school has kept me in the loop as her son had his first stroke 4 years ago, when he was just an infant. She is so brave, and I asked her if I could share some of her words through my blog:
"Tomorrow will be 4 years since Ashton suffered from his stroke. Four years ago it was impossible to imagine that we/he would be where we are today. This has been a great year for us!!
As always, Ashton is an amazing boy. He is soo brave and has shown that braveness and strength this year during his many echos, his MRI, 3 Emergency room visits and the everyday struggles that he as a 4 year old with motor and health problems faces. He has done excellent with the beginning of school!! He has separated well and has not cried once!! He has 2 amazing teachers that he loves!! He sang a song by himself in church Sunday evening a couple of weeks ago! He says that Grandmom Jordan (who is in heaven) talks to him every morning and says that she loves him and prays for him everyday! He stops and kneels in prayer spontaneously when needed. He is also the BEST big brother ever. He loves Jonah sooo very much and wants to be with him all the time. Jonahs first words will be "I love you" as Ashton tells him that countless times a day.
We thank God for the wonderful 4 years he has given us with Ashton and look forward to everyday that we have to celebrate his life!! Thank you all for the prayers and encouraging words that make each day a little easier!!"
I hope that my mom knows how much she has meant to me and that her strength has given me now and always. My mom actually sent me a quote when we found out about Alex's diagnosis and that is a quote that I know is so true for my life:
'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.' When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate on this sentence... 'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'
I had My daughter In June 27th 08 and she was diagnosied with full trisomy 18. Nevaehya Brownridge is my little angel. She lived almost 10 months. I want to tell you and your husband that u are truely blessed and ur son was ur gift. Our children someone once said to me are Spelled bound. They are babies that Just touch everyone that heard/knows/or looks at them. I just wanted to let you know that you and ur family are blessed and if you need any help with your Trisomy 18 fund please let me know. Either on her legacy page at trisomy 18 Nevaehya Dominque Brownridge or b_121878@yahoo.com